《Room of Depression》 is Produced by firepillar2 team The Scorpion Fire, this name comes from “Night on the Galactic Railroad”, which means to illuminate others with the burning pain of us. Thank you for joining us to raise awareness of depression, and this is the first step. We hope you will remember what you have done after 10 years, when you look into your wallet. Our wish is this NFT reminds you of your kindness.
《抑鬱的房間》由火柱工作室的天蠍之炎小組負責開發,「天蠍之炎」一詞來自於《銀河鐵道之夜》,寓意「以自己的灼痛照亮他人」,這也是《抑鬱的房間》的開發理念。感謝你參與這場關注抑鬱症的運動,注意這只是我們的第一步。我們祝願你,每當打開自己的錢包,見到這個 NFT,都能喚起你此時此刻的善心,不論是一年後,還是十年後,甚至更久。